Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Massive Octopus

This octopus is really big!
A couple of years ago, I started making the larger paintings using a 16 x 40 canvas as the center.
Chris makes two 16 x 30s and two 16 x 20s and then they are stretched.
Total width of this beauty is 80 inches.
They usually will fill a large wall.
I have been fortunate enough to sell several so far with different marine life.
They also are easier to carry as they fit into a single bag.
Massive Octopus, Acrylic on multiple canvas 40 x 80 inches
Day 78 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2024

This design says it all!
I have a small group at my church called Scripts & Strokes
We do paintings based on scripture.
This one is a design for a large class at a women's retreat next week.
I may be teaching up to 30 women during this class!
So much fun, and such a great experience because anyone can paint these simple flowers.
The lettering is done easily with paint pens after transferring to the canvas.
For tonight though, I am giving it to God and going to sleep!
Scripts & Strokes floral, acrylic on canvas, 11 x 14
Day 79 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2024


Monday, September 16, 2024

In case you don't know, I love octopus!
They are such fascinating creatures.
They have 9 brains, one in their head, then one in each arm!
As I said, amazing...
This one was painted while we were in India.
So, it is on a flat canvas instead of my typical shadowbox.
It found its way home in my suitcase!
"Follow the arms" Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24
Day 76 of the 100 days~100 paintings

These lionfish turned out really pretty.
I still love painting them although they're an invasive species.
They are just such a beautiful fish.
We had one in the Philippines for an evening stay.
My dad brought it home after a dive to put in our tank.
After acclimatizing it to the water, we added him to the tank with our other fish.
To our absolute horror, it started eating everything in its path.
My dad said nope!
Scooped it out and it went to fish heaven.
Fortunately, the invader only got a couple before it was dispatched. 
My dad was very proud of his tanks.
We had several while I was growing up.
"Invasion" Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24
Day 77 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2024


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Cephalopod my cephalopod

One of my favorites to paint, a cephalopod!
Octopus are fascinating creatures.
If their beak fits, the rest of their body will go as well.
There is a really cool video that shows fishermen catching a large octopus.
It found the scuppers on the boat and slithered its way off the vessel.

Meanwhile, the wood is flying here in the studio.
We bought several pieces of lumber the other day to make new shadowbox frames.
Chris, my husband of almost 46 years is a master builder now of these frames.
I couldn't make my signature pieces without his help.
He has brought up 6 of each of my sizes, varying from 12x36 to 16 x 16.
All of the sizes sell well, and I am grateful for the frames he's built.
Now on to canvas stretching, which is a whole other day of hard work.
I already have the canvas here at the studio to stretch every single one.
Now, about the canvas.....

I bought canvas while I was in India.
I've bought canvas while there before, but this time was on another level.
I had our daughter order me two smaller rolls of 10oz.canvas before I got there.
I also ordered white paint and coated the canvas before cutting.
I was delighted with the canvas and started researching a larger quantity.
I found 10oz 84inch canvas, 10 meters long for less than $50.00, because they were on sale.
I ordered two rolls.
They were incredibly large when they arrived in their protective cardboard tubes.
I can only imagine these things being carried down the street on the way to the Banerjee residence.
I opened the tube that night and started cutting.
Chris helped me to take the canvas and cut it into 30 x 84inch strips.
30 inches, because they will fit into the suitcases.
We got a lot of strips that all made it home safe and sound.
Why so much?
The canvas I typically purchase here is 7oz and is a 73inch by 6yd roll.
This roll costs me just under $100.
I got triple the amount for about the same as one.
It took some creative packing, but we got them home allowing me to keep my pricing affordable.
Now, if I could just find some lumber in a dump box somewhere....

Cephalopod my cephalopod, acrylic on canvas, 5 x 24 inches
Day 75 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2024


Friday, September 13, 2024

Flying higher and higher

This one was started as a drawing while we were on the road back in April and May.
I did manage to paint another 5-piece (octopus) while on the road and it sold at that weekends show.
I always have the question, what do you call a five piece?
I had researched several times, and it was called a polyptych.
A polyptych is a hinged piece of three panels or more.
That worked for me.
I looked it up several times and got the same answer.
Just now I looked again, and they are actually called a Pentaptych.
And now, spell check is screaming at me to correct the spelling.
The word comes from the Greek word "ptyche" which means a fold.
Add the prefix "penta" and you have pentaptych.
Words are so interesting, but Lord now I have to learn how to pronounce that one!

It's always interesting to paint larger works while in a camper. 
I really have to break them apart after drawing them, then paint.
The pieces are then put on a table outside to make sure the edges match.
I am then able to paint the edges to complete the piece.
We love them, because are a large piece that fits in a small bag.
Always interesting to paint!

Flying higher and higher, Acrylic on canvas, 36 x 60
Day 74 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2024


Thursday, September 12, 2024

My days are puppies!

This series is fun to create, but also challenging.
"Crabby" is 5 x 24 inches.
Some of them were painted while in India, some painted here after we got home.
I thank God every day I have a husband that thinks creatively too!
When I first made the series, they were in color and only 4 x 24.
Last year, Chris made them wider, and they are so much easier to paint.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

The dolphins are so much fun and so full of life!
"Dolphin party" 5 x 24 inches

"Pod Patrol" Humpback whales
5 x 24 inches

"Turtle traffic jam"
Shadowbox, Acrylic on canvas 24 x 24

"A Turtles eye view"
16 x 16 inches 
Acrylic on canvas

"I'm coming out!"
Octopus Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 inches

I also managed to paint at church as well.
I teach a class called Scripts & Strokes on Tuesdays and 
we have a lot of fun doing paintings based on scripture.
This little guy is on an 11 x 14 canvas and was painted in about 2 hours.

Life here is crazy hectic.
I'm hoping to finish up my dad's estate soon, so I can put that behind me.
The Executor position is a large job taking many hours.
It also fills my brain with things I would rather not think about.
(Money, balancing checkbooks, insurance, and so much more!)
It has drained me frequently to the point of not creating.

As if that wasn't enough, we picked up TWO wire haired dachshund puppies last week.
I've wanted wire haired dachshunds for years and the opportunity for well-bred beautiful girls 
was just too much to pass up.
As I type, I hear our boy, Bandit (12 years old active senior) 
barking and the smaller yips coming from the girls.
We actually got the girls for him to play with.
Tootsie and Ruby are fitting right into our pack.
I am getting a frequent side eye from Divya and Trixie, asking "Mom make them stop!"
Fortunately, now they play hard, and sleep hard.
Puppy pads, puppy food, puppy proofing are all going on here at the Raccoon Retreat!
Oh, and in between running up and down the stairs to check on them, and play with them,
I am painting!

My days are puppies! Days 67-73 of the 100 days 2024
All works are Acrylic on canvas,



Friday, September 6, 2024

Lively living

Lively indeed!
We are living the lively life these days.
Chris (husband) and I are active seniors.
We came home from India early last Thursday morning and started into our routine here in Fairhope.
That routine included taking our new LIV camper back to Americus Georgia to get a replacement AC.
We really didn't want the rooftop, but the under-bunk unit that was ultimately recalled just didn't cool down enough.
We had made the appointment over 6 weeks in advance for the repair.
We left Wednesday to camp overnight and be at the dealership when they opened at 8:30am.
We were told that it would only be a couple of hours......
We left for breakfast and came back only to be told that there was an 
emergency repair that was ahead of us.
But we should be done by 4:30 we were told.
Okay, we hung out for a while, then got lunch and came back for the duration.
Turns out, not only was our AC replaced, but our axle was flipped as well, 
as the tires were rubbing the wheel wells.
We were informed every step of the way, even when the refrigerator problem we also
 had turned out to be a slight wiring problem.
Meanwhile I painted.
And painted...

True to their word, we were done at 4:30.
On the road we went to our next stop at Lake Martin.

Now Lake Martin is a bit tricky as there are lots of back roads and scenic highways to get there.
It was supposed to take up to 3 hours, but with rain and slower driving we were close to dark.
Our wonderful host met us at the top of the driveway and Chris decided on the better part of valor to not try to park the camper down a steep hill.
We put the camper on a flat land at the edge of the road with the van and locked up.
We were shown a lovely guest room with a claw foot bathtub in the bath.
The real reason we were there though...
Dachshund puppies!
Wirehaired to be precise.
I've wanted a wire-haired dachshund for years and another artist had a litter.
We've been in contact for months.
Months of anticipation and anxiety.
Are we ready for puppies right now?
Puppies are a lot of work to train and keep happy.
Chris and I are committed to raising them up right!
Besides, Bandit needs playmates as he's still a very active senior at 12.
We brought them home, and the girls are settling right into our pack, albeit a bit nervously.
Our three dachshunds are all seniors, but they are warming up pretty fast 
to the feisty balls of fur we brought home.
Now, though our Bandit seems to have injured himself, not because of puppies but old age.
We're keeping a close eye on him and crate resting him away from the pups.
If needed, I'll be taking him to the vet on Monday.
Such is life here at the Raccoon Retreat studio.
Dachshund Central in beautiful Fairhope, Alabama

Playful dolphins and angry crabs, Acrylic on canvas, each 5 x 24
Days 65 & 66 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2024


Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Our world is a beautiful place, we only have to open our eyes to see it. I am amazed at the visual feasts presented each day. Sunrises, sunsets, trees movement caused by wind, wave action, horses running, birds flying gracefully overhead. Pelicans are a graceful bird while gliding, but have you studied their awkward gait on the ground? God definitely created them to be a part of the air and not the earth. Observe the world around you and marvel at its wonders 
Every morning I wake up, I thank God for another day. I study the sea in my dreams, listening to it's beautiful sounds and watching the parades of colorful creatures beneath my brush.

Graceful, Acrylic on canvas, 24 x24
Day 64 of the 100 days-100 paintings 2024