Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Turkey Wing shell

Today's entry is commonly called a turkey wing.
So called because you can almost see a turkey wing when they are together.
I love these shells and have actually found some on the beach. The beaches at Sanibel island are the best shelling in the United States and I found lots of Turkey wings and Queen Scallops as well. Their name, is really Arca Zebra and they are a bivalve as well as a mollusk. 
They have up to 50 teeth at their connection point, but it is rare to find them together.  Interestingly enough, they are eaten in both Bermuda and Venezuela.
I imagine they are tough, a lot like Conch!

Turkey Wing, Acrylic on canvas, 6 x 6 inches
Day 6 of the 100 days~100 paintings Spring 2019

1 comment:

  1. Teeth?! Eeekkkk! Cute shell though and beautifully portrayed by you.
