Friday, August 28, 2020

The cephalopod

The Cephalopod
One of my favorite creatures to paint!
Excuse the mess behind the painting.
These five piece paintings still amaze me with their beauty and symmetry.
The first one I ever created was displayed at a spring show.
I had also painted a five piece turtles and was nervous about them not selling.
I should not have worried, they both sold at the beginning of the show!
The octopus is at a beautiful custom home in Pensacola flanked by gorgeous lanterns that the builder removed from the bathroom and placed in the foyer. 
He is the first thing you see when you enter this spectacular vacation retreat.
The turtles were bought by a real estate agent that left them in my booth for judging and picked them up the following week at Arts & Crafts here in Fairhope.
They originally were in response to people asking why don't you paint bigger.
These 3 ft tall by 5 1/2 feet wide pieces fit into a single bag, making them easy to transport.
Much easier than a 3ft by 5ft single canvas to carry.
I started making them before the multiple photo canvases became the new thing to have in your home. It was an idea that came to me after much thought, research, and prayer.
I always pray when searching for my next series, 
and this multiple canvas series is still going very strong.
This one pictured here is at Stewart Heath Gallery in Spanish Fort, Alabama.
The gallery is located at The Eastern Shore Center Hwy 181 Suite 713.
I painted this one with a colored eye by request from the Gallery owner, Stewart Heath as a replacement for one she sold last Saturday.
I am very pleased to be a part of such an awesome gallery collection of Fine Art!

Eye detail

Center panel 12 inches x 36 inches

I really enjoy painting these multiple canvas pieces and can also do custom sizes for larger spaces.
The largest one designed to date is 40 inches by 80 inches!

Of course today I also began the work to reclaim the resin pieces that were ruined yesterday.
I have a plan, I have new resin, and a new determination.
I spent a while today sanding down the larger dips in the finishes.
It was hard to do on the first one, but when I wet it to clean off the sanding, 
I saw the image reappear clearly.
There are a total of nine pieces that were damaged by the drop cloth wind incident.
I am creating a couple of other works to have enough pieces to use up the resin once I start.
I am praying that the next pour is not as dramatic!

The Cephalopod, Acrylic on canvas, 3 x 5 ft
Day 61 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2020


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