Tuesday, July 17, 2018

National Emoji day

This basically how I look after a long week of working with kids at the art camps.
My husband laughs because I look so confused at the end of the day!
Anyway, I am stretching canvases today and have not even lifted a brush, 
except to help 12 children clean up their paintings during class!

Kids always have a tendency to use entirely too much paint and have to be reminded over and over. 
I love to watch how much kids enjoy painting, even if I fuss just a little!

I'm done, No you're not you missed several spots. X 12
I'm done, Why do I still see newsprint? X 12
I'm done, Did you paint the bottom? X 12
I'm done, No now you need to get the excess paint smoothed out. X 12
I'm done. No now you need to clean your brush. X 12
I'm done, Did you clean up your area? X 12
I'm done, did you wash out your water dish? X 12
I'm done, did you wash your hands? X 12

I have to laugh because their greatest joy it seems is to get to have snack.
Can I have snack?, Not right now, we have to wait for the other kids to finish.  X 12
Can I have snack?, We have to finish our project first and clean up. X 12
Can I have snack? , We need to paint the background for our project tomorrow. X 12
Can I have snack?, When the other kids are finished. X 12
Can I have snack? After  you clean up. X 12
Can I have snack? After throwing brush in sink and spilling paint water on floor. X 12
Such are the joys of teaching!


MY Emoji, 8x8 Acrylic on canvas
Day 16 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2018

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