Friday, July 27, 2018

The escapee

My goodness what a day!
I am trying to clear out some of the clutter in our little home. 
I feel like an escapee myself, trying to remove myself from the mountains of cloth that I call a closet. 
By clutter, I mean clothes primarily. I have entirely too many and I find myself wearing the same things over and again. I read an article the other day that jolted me into reality. It said it had the one question you should ask yourself when clearing the many things we all have in our lives. 
I know all about holding an item and asking, does it bring you joy?
But what is the question? 
More on that in a bit.
Stick with me, it really is worth the read!

The joy of the memory of the purchase, many times is why I cling to items. 
Most of the time, the clothing I purchase is with the approval of our daughters, something they talked me into buying, or something I bought when shopping with my mother. Mind you, this means the items I bought with mom present were purchased at least 6 years ago. The last purge I did of my closet, my oldest made me try on every item I owned. Consequently, that winter I did not own one single pair of long pants! (I have a mindset that I am bigger than I am in reality, so the pants I owned were too big, at least in her eyes!)
I am trying to do this on my own now without another pair of eyes.
I would ask the husband, Chris, but I know it would bore him to death!
The daughter that helped the last time, is really busy right now trying to get her business on track.

What is the question?
The one that stopped me in my tracks.

Do I want my children to deal with this when I'm dead?

Let that sink in, then go and let go of the stuff.
 We all have things in our lives holding us back from the best we can become in our fathers eyes.
I've never seen a uhaul behind a hearse, have you?
I don't want my family to have to do the purging I had to do after my mother went to our Lord.

Musings after getting new wills done for both of us.
The reality of life is an ending here on this planet, and I'm just visiting!
Loving life, family, and home!

The escapee, 16x16 shadowbox canvas
Day 26 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2018

1 comment:

  1. My son is constantly on my case about getting rid of "stuff". He doesn't want China and asks why do I have three sets. Hmmmm.
