Monday, September 25, 2023

Frequent flier

I do seem to be on a turtle kick these days.
Sea turtles are one of my favorites to paint for sure!
It's even earned me the nickname "Turtle Queen" from one of my girlfriends who is also an artist.
I just really enjoy painting them every time.

We are still waiting on booth assignments from the National Shrimp Festival for this year.
I do know I'll be close to where I was last year on 182.
I can understand the logistics of running a show this large.
 I don't envy the people who are in charge.
Hats off to the committees, volunteers, and paid staff that run this show every year.
It is a monumental task, keeping artists, locals, and volunteers happy, or at least satisfied.
17 days until we set up for the show!

I have enough headaches myself, trying to coordinate a double booth.
My show schedule is complete now for fall. 
Already the spring shows are starting to have applications ready for artists submission.
We have money tied up in jury fees, booth fees, RV reservations or hotels for months before a show.
Prints ordered, mats and bags, business cards, labels, shopping bags all have to be purchased and ready.
Canvases, paints, varnish, wires, brushes are all expenses that have to be paid in advance.
Ornaments painted, clay made, ornaments completed, over 200 of them this year alone.
Two different boxes for ornaments, labels, bags, hangers, tissue paper, so many things.
I have no less than 3 shows to enter for March/April/May of next year on October 1st.
It's a LOT of work!
And most artists wouldn't have it any other way!

Frequent flier, Acrylic on shadowbox canvas, 12 x 36inches
Day 57 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2023


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