Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Our world is a beautiful place, we only have to open our eyes to see it. I am amazed at the visual feasts presented each day. Sunrises, sunsets, trees movement caused by wind, wave action, horses running, birds flying gracefully overhead. Pelicans are a graceful bird while gliding, but have you studied their awkward gait on the ground? God definitely created them to be a part of the air and not the earth. Observe the world around you and marvel at its wonders 
Every morning I wake up, I thank God for another day. I study the sea in my dreams, listening to it's beautiful sounds and watching the parades of colorful creatures beneath my brush.

Graceful, Acrylic on canvas, 24 x24
Day 64 of the 100 days-100 paintings 2024

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