Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Do you know how to make God laugh?

I love rollercoasters!
However, the one I'm on currently is a little too much for me!
Do you know the answer to the title question above?
Do you know how to make God laugh?
Got it?
Read on for the answer to this query.

We should all remember God's plan is perfect.
 We don't always understand it.
We don't always like it. 
But HIS plan is perfect!

Case in point.....
When you last read the blog, I was on target to finish the 100 paintings in the 100 days 2023.
I was rapidly completing the sewing drawers and they will help reach the finish line.
I was caught up and confident I would complete the task.
Those were MY plans.
Then God stepped in and said here ya go!

My dad is quite elderly, and his health is not the best.
He does alright but insists on living alone.
He doesn't get enough exercise and his diet is well, not so great.
My brother and I were calling the house, and he did not pick up.
I live an hour away, so my brother drove over to check on him.
He found him in a sorry state, unable to stand or walk.
He had a similar health scare in March and April.
He told all of us to never call an ambulance again.
We said okay back then.
Then Sunday happened and it took two hours to convince him to call 911.
He did, and we got him to the hospital.
He was dehydrated, very weak, and upset at the time things were taking.
CT scan of head clear.
Chest Xray clear.
Blood work not so much.
Infection somewhere, bilirubin elevated.
Abdominal ultrasound clear.
Brought back to ER room.
He then had a seizure, apparently caused by his pacemaker kicking in because of tachycardia.
Nonresponsive for a few minutes.
Now he's admitted to hospital to figure this out! 
Cardiologists are now involved again.
Needless to say, I have spent the last few days at the hospital with him.
He is now getting better, but still needs some surgery for his heart as he has not one, but two blockages!
Hopefully tomorrow will take care of his problem while in surgery.

More pelicans!


Humpback whales!

Meanwhile, I'm trying to pack for the Shrimp Festival starting on Thursday.
So, as you can see, I am close to completion of the 100 days.
We were supposed to set up on Wednesday.
Bad weather moving in with high winds and heavy rain.
God's plan, Let's do Thursday instead.
So, show is delayed.
I can go to my dad's surgery.
We don't have to set up in the wind and rain.
God's plan, is PERFECT!

The answer to the question:
Do you know how to make God laugh?
"Tell Him your plans...."
Kinda funny, right?

Multiple days, Acrylic on Wood panel, each about 5 x15 inches
Days 80-91 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2023


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