Thursday, July 30, 2015

I am joyful, jubilant, and jazzed!

 The month of July has moved so fast as to have a rocket attached to it! I started doing the 100 Days~100 Paintings on the 1st of July and was moving along until the 3rd. Then God placed a call to work on sets for the church! I am never afraid of major set designs and jumped right in to the design and completion within 1 1/2 weeks. I could never have accomplished all that I did without the helping hands of a lot of people! I am grateful to those that lended their hand wielding brushes for coming out. We laughed and painted for many days! Then, my husband, Chris Chavez jumped in and helped with construction and safety. I am always amazed at how easily he makes things work! Thanks Honey!

 I never heard from the children's pastor what the children thought of the design, but I am certain it was a small addition to the colorful things the kids got to do over those 3 wonderful days! Thanks to all for many hands making for light work!

During the same time of the set design, I had an art camp at the Eastern Shore Art Center.
 The following week found me at the Mobile Museum of Art teaching 6-9 year olds. Then came the Church Art camp. Full days, lots of laughter, lots of work, exhausting, FUN! We had a great time at the church, with sculpture, watercolors, acrylics, and recycled arts! So many projects, too many to photograph and display. I sure hope the children went home, happy and tired from a long day of creating. I know I did!
This week finds me back at the Eastern Shore Art Center for my last week of teaching for the summer. After this week, I must buckle down and get back in my own studio, that is after I clean up from the chaos that is creation and creativity at art camps. As art teachers, we bring a lot of "Baggage" with us, supplies, extra brushes, scissors, and such to make our lives easier.

I have created so many things in the past month, none of which may be "sale" quality. We have gone through a virtual ton of recycled supplies, much to my husbands delight!
That being said, I think I may call for a restart of the beginning of the 100 Days~100 Paintings. Or, I may try to paint two a day until I am caught up! That would be a trick wouldn't it?

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