Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Red Sky at Night~Sailors Delight

I don't know if you've heard the old saying, Red Sky at night~Sailors Delight.....Red Sky at Morning~Sailor take warning. This is such a good indicator of weather that all sailors remember this warning and take heed. While the photo is somewhat dark compared to the actual painting, the intensity and richness of color is really there. The sailboat paintings are really fun to paint and remind me of the sea.
I am working on the house tomorrow and meeting with structural engineers to determine if we can feasibly (and financially) save the little house. I really hope so, the structure would be heart breaking to tear down after all the work that the owner put into it so many years ago. Not to mention the solid week and 1/2 we have put into it ourselves cleaning it up! Anyway here's hoping for a red sky at night as far as the Raccoon Retreat goes!
Red Sky at Night~Sailors Delight 16 x 20 Oil on Canvas $125.00

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