Saturday, October 6, 2018


Today has been interesting to say the least. 
I discovered one of the canvases sent to North Carolina is not the one requested. However, the new owner said let's see when they get here. Otherwise, it may be to send the correct one, get the other one returned situation. That's exactly what happens when we get distracted, mistakes are made. I prefer to think of them as happy accidents. This guy was fun to paint and a good distraction from the possible tropical storm/ hurricane headed our way! 
Now THAT is not making me happy at all! 
So close to National Shrimp Festival in Gulf shores next week too. 
I can only imagine the anxiety level at the chamber office right now. 
Praying this storm moves far, far, far away......

My studio also seems to have an invasion of fruit flies.
Can't figure out where these guys are coming from! 
You reckon it could be the banana peel from last week in the studio garbage can?
Sigh, something else to take care of in the morning before church. I must get rid of them, they fly in my face and up my nose, then land on my palette. That's when I catch them with a wet brush!
I once left an empty smoothie cup up in my studio, then left for two weeks.
That was a real invasion!
Never again will that happen.

Canvases are still drying too up here in the studio as well. Sunday brings a sewing and hat day working with my oldest daughter creating. It is a real advantage having such a wonderful space, the computer, sewing machine, cutting table and so much more up in my own personal 500 square feet. I especially am grateful for the half bath that is up here with a mop sink. 
I still have a few wires and varnishing to do as well before the big show this week!
My to do list is getting longer............

I must also confess I am a list maker. When I can't sleep, I make lists, what to wear, what to bring, artworks to carry then check off as they are put on our 'maps' and packed.
It helps me sleep sometimes. 
I am reaching that sleepy point for tonight so I guess I'll bid adieu for now.

Escaping, Acrylic on canvas, 12 x 24 shadowbox
Day 97 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2018 


  1. I can't keep up!
    Pray for this storm to not disrupt our lives.

  2. Oopsey, mistakes happen. Was it for my cousin, London? She will love any piece I’m sure.

    Praying for weather change!!!
