Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Ibis I

Day one of the Ibis.
A few years back we took a wonderful trip to Florida.
On the West coast of Florida is the beautiful place called Sandia Island.
It is supposed to be one of the best shelling experiences in the country.
It did not disappoint me at all.
While I did not find a lot of different shells, I did find the Queen Scallops I needed for a project.
I needed a lot of Queen scallops as I was making necklace and earring sets for about 20 women.
I found what I needed and much more shells than I can ever describe in one post. 

On to the Ibis....
We took a ferry to the island of Coya Costa off the coast of Sandia.
It is a beautiful place, with primitive camping for the brave.
We may have to try it sometime.
What fascinated me was the Ibis.
Normally an elusive bird, they melt into the mangroves at the sight of humans.
However, on the Gulf of Mexico and a beautiful pristine beach there were dozens everywhere.
I've never seen so many Ibis in one area.
I took dozens of photos with my digital camera.
The advantage is that I did not have to print them all, but could look at them on the computer.
Digital is wonderful that way.
These birds were unafraid of humans, running in front of women walking along the beach.
They were also playing in the surf, dipping in the water with their beaks searching for mussels.
When a bird finally got one, the fights ensued with lots of squawking, nipping, and finally taking flight.
It was quite the spectacle and one I hope I don't forget!

Ibis I, Acrylic on poured canvas, 4 x 12 inches
Day 93 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2019

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