Sunday, August 25, 2019

Octopus changing

I simply love to paint these guys!
They are so fun to paint on these poured backgrounds.
The backgrounds seem to give a movement and beauty to the pieces.
I am having a great time painting them while Pandora plays in the background 
filling my studio with music and giving my brush a beat.

I can only pray you are enjoying the series as much as I am!

Today found us going to church, our son coming over for a visit, and new lights in Chris's Workshop.
Our son is an electricians mate in the Coast Guard Reserves and he is quite handy with our electrical needs. He put a meter on his dads truck and determined that the fan was the problem with his AC. $60 later for a fan, and that was repaired. Our son also got his wife one of Chris's new wooden bowls in exchange for the lights in the shop. It was definitely a win for everyone involved.

I love having adult children now, our relationships are on a whole new level!
They are fun to be with, and I think we did an all right job as parents.
At least they don't mind being with, working alongside, and talking to us!

All in all, a wonderful day.

Octopus Changing, Acrylic on canvas, 4x12 inches
Day 55 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2019

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