Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Octopus's and Turtle's

After another day's worth of painting, I finally feel as though I've found a groove.
It has been a while since I have lifted a brush to create.
I have painted two murals in Africa, as well as teaching painting watercolor and acrylic to three different artists while in Zimbabwe as well.
I also jumped into a major build for my church's VBS the day after I got back from Africa.
While I miss my friends in Zimbabwe, I am definitely loving being back in my studio.
Creating just makes me happy.

Chris also spent the day in his shop, after a trip to the local Lowes for lumber.
Lowes seems to have the straightest, best lumber for my stretcher bars.
We picked up 20 2x4s, which makes 60 pieces that can be used to make shadowbox frames.
I know he loves me so much.
How do I know?
He's out working in the shop in 115 degree heat index.
Fans blowing, Chris is really in his happy place now.
Even though he's sweating profusely, he's doing something that helps me.
We really were made for each other and I am so grateful God placed him in my life.

I am also pleased to report Chris's hand is getting better every day.
The wound seems to be closing nicely, although there is a knot under the skin.
Hopefully the antibiotics he's on now will continue making him well.
We have another trip to the dermatologist in two weeks.

65 days until the Annual National Shrimp Festival today!
I am getting really excited about this year's show.
I am having a double booth again, but no wall in between 
so it will be one smooth transition from one tent to the next.
My goal is to have sepias starting on one end of the space, moving to partially added color, 
then on to full color paintings at the other end of the space.
Basically, the booth will read like a book from left to right, 
going from black and white to full color works.
I'm praying the booth will be as beautiful in reality as it is in my mind.

Acrylic on wood, 24 inches round
 Paintings 13 & 14, 100 days~100 paintings 2023


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