Thursday, December 20, 2018

Two turtle tango

Two Turtle Tango came about because a lot of research. 
I research a lot when I am painting, learning about the beauty, fragility, 
and sometimes tragedy of the creatures I so love to paint.
I was looking up Turtle eyes for a commission I was working on for Christmas.  
I came across a couple of turtle photographs that 
were a lovely set up for the painting you see here.
I will use photos from online frequently, some are from friends, but none are an exact copy. A flipper from one, A head from another, coloring from yet another. Thousands of references for hundreds of paintings. I love the way they interact with each other!

Today found us kinda trapped inside because of rain with an excited, almost Christmas, happy to be at Yaya's and Yoyo's house, 5 year old fresh out of school for the break. We took him to the store because mom said he needed new uniform pants to wear in school. I am in agreement, as all his pants seem to be about 2 inches too short! The entire time in the store, he played the typical 5 year old, wanting everything in sight. He even tried to ask us to use his quarter he found to purchase something, trouble is what he wanted needed 199 more quarters! Nope, not happening here. He understood and we headed back to the house after purchasing the pants and looking around a while. Yoyo even took him to his favorite park here in Fairhope. When they came home, His pants and shoes were soaking wet, he cannot stay out of a puddle!
We love to have him here, but getting anything of note accomplished 
with a 5 year old in tow is a challenge to say the least.
So we play with him!
We did manage to make two gingerbread projects though. He is very happy with his gingerbread house and once the camper is dry, I'm sure he'll love that too. Problem is, with my stinker, sneaky, stealing dachshund, I have to store it in the pantry so she can't get it in her belly!
Exhausting and mentally taxing, yes.
Too much fun to have around, Certainly!

Two Turtle Tango, Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 shadowbox
Day 14 of the 100 days~100 paintings Spring 2019 

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