Sunday, August 12, 2018


A special request from a little boy who turned five today!
Our Grandson to be exact. His request when I asked him what painting he wanted for his birthday.
"I want a swordfish! With a big fin!" I countered, "Do you mean a sailfish?"
"Yes please"

So here we go, a sailfish.
I have had the opportunity to paint these gorgeous fish many times over the years. This one though, is special. Every year, on our grandsons birthday I paint something for him. I painted a crab the day he was born, each year since has been something different. He has a gecko, a lion, a pelican, a sea turtle, and now a sailfish. This is the biggest one yet for him. When he moves out of his parents home, he will have a collection all his own, all in sepia.
Until then, they hang in my studio.

Today also found Chris and myself sweating outside while painting the frames for the new booth set up. Mercy, they seemed never ending. We though they would take only a partial can of spray paint apiece, but turns out they each needed about a can and a half! They look great and we are both anticipating the set up in the booth for a new booth shot. Meanwhile, I am redesigning the straps to hold them in place. This entails ripping apart, stitching back together and adding a new strip of velcro. I want them to be easy to remove from the booth and since the buckles are difficult to find, I am hoping velcro will work at least temporarily.

Ah the artists life!
The never ending wild ride of creativity that God gives to us!

Sailfish, 18 x 24canvas, Acrylic
Day 42 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2018

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