Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Looking good!

Looking good!

What an awesome world I live in.
 I am able to create and make money to create more!
Of course this Art thing takes money and time, lots of both!
I really enjoy the joy though when people find the perfect thing for them.
I once had a woman come in my booth and say, "I've been looking for that for five years."
I laughed and said, "Well, it's only been painted for two!"
The we both laughed.
I love the connections I have from the art shows.
Some of my collectors even become friends in my ever widening circle.
I am honored to call them both friend and collector.
Now, what is a collector?
A collector is someone that has purchased three or more pieces from me.
Sometimes all at once, sometimes over the course of three years of coming to shows.
I also love the ones that tell me I can't afford one right now, but someday.....
Then the following year they rush in telling me "I have a budget of three hundred, what can I buy?"
They are so happy and so am I!
So fun!

It's an amazing world, this world of art!
Thanks for joining me here on the blog as well.
The blog is almost up to 90,000 views so far.
We may hit that this show season.
Speaking of season, the Winter and Spring shows are starting to line up.
We will have a couple in January, then things ramp up for March, April, and May.
I love show season because we get to travel and see new places, things, and friends.
Maybe Covid won't burst the bubble that is show season.
I am still concerned about the season for Fall here because people just can't stay home, wash their hands, and wear a mask.

It's been an exhausting 1 1/2 years so far in the pandemic.
I cannot imagine the hero's in the hospitals, dealing with the day to day, influx of people so sick, not able to breathe, and praying their patient will make it through.
When they come to work the next day, they find out their patient didn't make it through.
The stress of possibly catching the virus, bringing it home to their own families, 
losing family and friends. 
Then having to go to work and do it all over again.
Day after exhausting day.
My heart breaks for them and their families.
Thank you doctors, nurses, and support staff!
My prayers are with you every day, 
I hope you feel them wrap around you in a blanket of protection and love.

Looking good!, Acrylic on shadowbox canvas, 12 x 24
Day 58 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2021


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