Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Mighty O

The Mighty O was oh so fun to paint!
I'm really enjoying the rounds, but I need to get back to the shadowboxes.
For now, I have not sold one of these but I know the sales will come eventually.
You see, as artists we must be patient  for the right person to come along.
I once had a person walk into my booth and exclaim "I've been looking for this for 5 years!"
I told her, it's only been painted for 2!
She left happy and so did I.

Anyway, I am trying to keep on track for this year.
Mentally it's hard to keep painting other than for galleries with the Covid numbers rising so high.
I am in fear of shows being cancelled because of safety concerns.
I get it, I really do!
I just wish everyone would take this pandemic seriously.
You see, I was exposed to Covid at one of the classes I taught this summer.
Fortunately, I'd had both my shots and I was wearing a mask and taking extra precautions.
I'm beginning to wonder if it was a false positive, because a child sitting directly next to the ill one never showed any signs or tested positive.
It's a peculiar virus, this one.
I waited with my breath held, for the two weeks to be complete before I could really relax.
Fortunately for me, nothing came to pass for me or the other children.
Please wear masks folks, this show isn't over yet.
Pray for the nurses and doctors dealing with the ravages of Covid on a daily basis.
I know I pray for the nurses a lot, there may be an extreme shortage of nurses after all this is over.
Then there is the teachers, dealing with children who can't or 
won't keep a mask on and not touch one another.
As for me, I'm back to taking the homeopathy, vitamins, and praying hard 
on my knees for this to pass sooner rather than later.

The Mighty O, Acrylic on wood panel, 24 inches
Day 48 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2021


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