Friday, January 25, 2019

Swim Free

Today's post is one of my favorites so far. I enjoy painting in color and this springs shows will have some for sure. There is more to come in this series. detail

As an artist, you are constantly contemplating your next move. Layering, glazing, scrumbling, color upon color to add depth and detail.
 Me personally, I pray while I paint. I pray for the lost, for those who are hurting, for those with illness, for those in office, friends, family, and strangers alike. I talk with God a lot, even though it is a private conversation most of the time.
Sometimes it is a small thought of a prayer, for the woman I saw wiping tears from her eyes on the street as we drove past.
Sometimes it is a prayer for our first responders, not knowing if they will come home.
Sometimes it's a prayer for people I am grateful to have in my life, especially my husband, children, grandchildren,  and our marriage.
Sometimes it's a prayer for our church, pastors, and our "church" family.
Sometimes it's a prayer for whomever is in the ambulance as it drives by the house, sirens making noise.
Sometimes it's a prayer for people who've had a pet and companion leave their space in this life.
Sometimes a prayer for politicians that need to wake up and realize that they were elected to do a job.
Sometimes it's a prayer for people to have it get a job.
Sometimes it's a prayer for those who are addicted, no matter if it is drugs, alcohol, or impulses that cause regrets.
Sometimes it is an all night cry out to the Lord, praying for understanding in the sudden death of a friend's husband in an accident. Prayers for their family, prayers for their children who now must live without a dad.

 I pray or at the very least think about others constantly as I paint each brushstroke , each brushstroke becoming a part of a permanent painting.

Have you prayed today?
It doesn't have to be fancy, perfect, or scripted.
just talk with your father, he's waiting.

Swim free, Acrylic in canvas, 4x24
Day 50 of the 100 days~100 paintings Spring 2019

1 comment:

  1. Today we all prayed for our fallen hero. Officer Sean Tuder.
