Monday, July 19, 2021

Life's blood

My paintings are my life's blood. The paintings allow me to do things I ordinarily would not get to do otherwise. My income is allowing me to help one of my friends in Africa to sustain and feed his family for a while. 
My friend is working to create paintings that I will eventually pay for. He messaged me tonight that he and his family are going to bed hungry.It breaks my heart because as Americans we have food so plentiful that we throw some away. We do not know the feeling that comes from starvation. The pandemic is preventing my friend from working, and because of this no income either. He is unable to provide or have enough to allow his family to eat. I am grateful to be able to help with my life's blood in order to provide food for their table.
Life's blood, acrylic on canvas, 12*12
Day 21 of the 100 days-100 paintings 2021

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