Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Fences, Fervor, and Friendship

Fence~ To mark a boundary.
In our case, it was a canvas waiting to be painted!
Several weeks ago, my friend Linda Scott called and asked if I would be interested in helping with a fence mural she had been asked to create. While it is based on one from the internet, we decided to put our own touch onto the piece. 

But first, 
I had to finish teaching this summer!

Fervor~passion, intensity of emotion.
Linda has wanted to paint a mural with me and here was our chance.
Linda was patient, and fortunately so was the client. 
Linda has followed a couple of my mural exploits and was keen to learn the process.
Murals involve design, execution, and completion and sometimes a little extra.
(Our extra is seven ladybugs scattered about the piece.) 
We are more than pleased with the end result and so is our client!
We have already received a message from her apparently gushing about the completed fence.
It is visible from her gorgeous dining area and is placed to be viewed from the windows.
It took a total of 20 woman hours to complete over the course of two days. 
First sketching it out, then under painting with Kilz paint.
We then purchased high quality outdoor paint to use along with some 
soft body acrylics for accent colors and shading.
One of the owners apparently enjoyed watching it come together as the day progressed.
He sent photos to his wife, and received thumbs up!
I enjoyed hearing that she liked what we were doing. We got all the base coating done between 9 and 1pm, when we broke for a much needed salad and air conditioning for an hour.
After lunch, we added finishing touches and the ladybugs.
I love how it turned out!

Friendship~a relationship of mutual affection and good will.
God knows how much I love and appreciate Linda "Foxy Lu" in my life.
We met each other while working for a company together and hit it off so easily it was like we've know each other all our lives. 
You know those sort of people with like minds, similar interests, and just a joy to be around. 
She challenges me, and I challenge her to grow and stretch beyond her own expectations. 
I believe I've called her friend for at least 10 years, but it seems as though we're sisters of sorts. 
I am always so glad to be in her company and wish it could be more often, but we are
 professional artists that are both in demand.
I was so very happy to be in her company these past few days! 
Love ya!

Fences, Fervor, and Friendship, 6 ft x 16 ft collaboration
Day 24 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2018

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