Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Crab II

Looking very similar to yesterday's crab, this one really is different.
More face, claws moved, legs changed.
I didn't realize they were so alike until I put them side by side.
Oh well, I'm sure someone will want them.
Just maybe not as a pair.

Today was interesting.
I painted of course and set up canvases for future pieces to be completed.
The studio is a real hub of activity these days.
Lots of paint, canvas, wires, and varnish.
I am also being more or less forced to stretch canvases that are waiting.
I have two shadowboxes left, and 24 to be stretched.
I am also getting commission works lined up for after show season already.
Fortunately, people are patient and willing to wait for their works.
One of them may not wait though.
I may have a large shadowbox piece 48 x 60 inches going to Cape Coral, Florida.
A glorious octopus!
The couple is driving from Colorado back home to Florida and may want to pick up on the way.
The kicker is, they will be driving through our area about the 3rd or 4th of October.
They are measuring their vehicle to see if it will fit.
Sure would help me if the piece will fit in their car.
I would not have to bring it to Florida in January when I come for a show.
Carrying all the equipment we carry in addition to a huge canvas is not a good combination.
Fingers crossed on that one!

I also took three steampunk pieces to my printer today.
She is going to photograph them, print proofs, and then get me ready for the National Shrimp Festival.
Two booths!
What was I thinking?
I've been planning this adventure for 3 years now.
The steampunk has been shown, taken awards, and generally had very good reviews from people
I've also sold both prints and originals.
It's just so different from my other works that people almost don't believe I paint them.
This will be the first time they won't be just on an outside wall.
They will have their own booth.
This is going to be interesting folks! 
22 days until set up day at the National Shrimp Festival in beautiful Gulf Shores, Alabama!

Crab II, Acrylic on wood panel, 12 x 12 inches
Day 79 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2022


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