Monday, September 26, 2022

The Sentinel

I just love painting birds.
They are such fun with all their feathers.
I enjoy adding texture to my paintings with lots of brush strokes.
I also typically pray while I paint, lifting others up with each stroke of the brush.
Today I am praying for those in the path of hurricane Ian.
The forecast keeps changing, and with it my nervous energy increases.
Nervous energy translates into more work done.
I have packed for the Freedom Festival show, with a few more pieces 
to be added as the week progresses.

I have also packed most of the steampunk for the National Shrimp Festival.
Ten days until the set up for that show!
Ten more days, we'll be camping, setting up, and getting ready for the biggest party on the coast.
Two booths, 6 walls to hang on, two completely different styles of art, 
prints and originals for one booth (steampunk), all originals for the other one (marine life sepias).
It's going to be a headache during set up, but hopefully we can do it without snapping at each other.
Powerade in the ice chest, snacks , and lots of love!
We also pick up the Audubon show on Tuesday the 4th in Mississippi at 2:30 pm 
after a reception for the Cruisin the Coast.
Wednesday the 5th is set up day for shrimp.
It's going to be an interesting week next week for sure!

Now, hurricane Ian just needs to fade away........
Prayers for Florida....

The sentinel, Acrylic on shadowbox canvas, 12 x 36 inches
Day 91 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2022


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