Thursday, September 15, 2022

Pelican take off!

Once again, I am paintings birds.
I love the movement and feathers on this one.
I've always loved detail and this guy is loaded with it.
So much going on in such a small space!

Today found me outside until noon, loading the trailer with parts and pieces for two booths.
Checking walls, making sure we have enough for the double booth at the National Shrimp Festival.
I actually had to cover one of my 10-foot walls with the grey fabric I got a while back.
Problem is, I cut the fabric adding extra length in case of shrinkage.
The other problem is the fabric shrank a LOT!
So, I go to happily lay it out to mark it for sewing and it's too short for the width of the wall.
I know I cut them at least 11 feet long.
Anyway, I had to splice the cover on both the front and back of the cover.
A little extra work, but it's done now.
Chris also got our bike rack fixed for the 'new to us' folding bikes.
I also tried to reload the 'show box' that carries so much stuff!
It is a large two-piece rolling box that has business cards, square, metal tags for pricing, bungie cords,
ratchet straps, bags for purchases, scissors, tools and too much else to list.
After a lot of thought, and getting rid of some things, we are down to the base of the box.
That took until about noon.
This gives us a little more room in the trailer.
It also cuts down on weight, as that's always a concern.
Hopefully we don't need anything I let go of this time.
The trailer has a lot more room since Chris added the "possum belly" to the base.
There is enough room to put some artworks now as well as the show equipment.
We carry two tents, walls for two tents, framework for a French wall, two chairs, a spare tire, ladder, step stool, lights, fans, a cooler and again so much more.

There is an incredible amount of thought and planning that goes into a show.
In addition to us working hard to present pieces that are beautiful, 
as artists, we sometimes obsess about the layout of the booth.
I want my works presented in the best way possible and I have learned a lot over the years.
People think it would be so easy to be an artist, and for some it is easy.
For others it is a struggle to get enough works done, get them varnished and wired, packed and presented in a nice manner.
I have learned to manage my time and effort, although sometimes I do falter at getting things done.
That is why I make lists, lists and more lists.
I even lay out the booth with "maps" showing where each piece is to be placed.
Although, the first time I made maps, I left them on the dining room table at home over an hour away!
Fortunately, I had drawn them, and redrawn them so I had them in my head.
This helps me sleep, knowing I have enough works to show.

I am getting excited about the shows coming up.
Two weeks until Showtime!
First one at the Wharf, Orange Beach September 30th and October 1st.

Pelican take off!, Acrylic on wood panel, 12 x 12 inches
Day 80 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2022


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