Friday, September 16, 2022

Turtles, turtles everywhere!

My word!
What a day!
To say it was busy is putting it mildly.
I awakened at 3:15am which is not unusual for me.
Especially if I have had sugar or caffeine.
I have no trouble going to sleep, it's staying asleep.
I tried to go back to bed and basically my mind went 90 miles an hour, thinking, thinking......
After 30 minutes, I gave up and got up.
I put on the coffee and settled into my bible for my morning reading.
It's the best way to start the day for me.

Then I got breakfast for me, Chris and the dogs.
We had poached eggs and toast.
The fur babies had their kibble and pumpkin.
I asked Chris for help with canvases.
He was threatening to take them to the barn and stretch them.
I have simply been painting so much that I have not had the time to stretch them.
I used my last shadowbox yesterday.
Never did I dream that these canvases would last so long or go so far.
There are literally hundreds of them now. 
Lovingly built from recycled lumber, and hand stretched.
They indeed are a labor of love from both of us. 
So much so, that when I took an award this past spring for them, I made Chris get in the photo as well.
I could not create such a thing myself without his help.
So, we both went upstairs to my studio.
After I cleared the 10 ft. table, I got out the canvas roller Chris made just to pull canvas.
We then marked and cut out the canvas pieces for 22 frames in 4 different sizes.
We started stretching, Chris using the electric stapler and me using the compressor and air stapler.
We got the first twelve done, then broke for lunch.
We both took a much-needed nap. 
Back at it until we finished.
Then fed the dogs their evening meal.
Took the marauders (dogs) for their ride.
I checked emails and discovered I have been accepted for both of my number two shows in January.
I am going to wait a bit to see if I get accepted into my number one shows before I decide.

Then the dogs went crazy going after something in the camper.
Both Bandit and Divya were trying to climb up into the engine.
We opened the hood to discover a nest.
Chris got out the blower and we blew out the nest and 6 very tiny mice babies.
Lord I'm sorry, between the blower and the dachshunds being hunters, there were no survivors.
Momma mouse was nowhere to be found.
The dachshunds are still hunting around the camper.
If she shows so much as a whisker.......
Bandit has already killed a squirrel that made the mistake of going into the turning room.
Frida killed several mice in our back yard, after chasing a rat for an hour, 
tearing into a PVC pipe with her teeth in the process. 
The pack has also killed kittens in our yard before I could stop them.
They've also gone after a possum baby.
(I rescued that one!)
Dachshunds being dachshunds.
Our house is never a dull moment with them around.

Such is life at the Raccoon Retreat Studio in beautiful Fairhope, Alabama

Turtles, turtle everywhere, Acrylic on Shadowbox canvas, 16 x 16 inches
Day 81 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2022


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