Friday, September 23, 2022

Flying high

Flying high is a Great Blue Heron.
We have lots of Great Blues on our coasts.
They are a frequent visitor to many a fisherman's catch.
Some of them have become quite adept at stealing the local fishermen's catch.
No sooner do the people bring it onto shore or the deck and the unwelcome visitor appears.
I myself would be intimidated by the long beak presented by this prehistoric looking bird.

In fact, I disturbed one this summer while walking for turtles before dawn.
He was fishing at the water's edge and turned just as I was walking toward him.
This ginormous bird proceeded to fly straight at me!
I ducked and covered praying he didn't stab me with that beak.
He swooped away and I continued my walk.
My heart was beating fast, I'm sure his was too!

I varnished the steampunk prints today.
Tomorrow I will put wires on them and hopefully pack them for the shows.
My studio is getting almost impossible to walk around in with so many pieces on the floor waiting their final finishes of erasing, varnishing, and putting on wires.

People think "Oh I would love to be an artist!" 
Before you do join me in my journey.
Join an artist as they work a full-time job, then go home to create.
Join an artist as they're putting in applications and waiting, waiting 
to find out if they've been accepted, waitlisted, or rejected.
Join an artist as they're trying to motivate themselves to "go to work" each day.
Join an artist as they face a blank canvas and wonder what next to create.
Join an artist as they spend hours alone in their studios.
 Join an artist in their studio as they're getting ready for a show, 
creating that one last piece before they hit the road.
Praying they have enough supplies to carry them through.
Join them as they're packing for the show, obsessing over every little detail.
A lot of us make lists, only to forget them on the table at home.
Join an artist as they're setting up for a show, sometimes in pouring down rain!
Don't forget the bug spray, or the sunblock either.
Join an artist as they're nervously waiting for the judges to come around, 
wondering if they will enjoy the fruits of their labors.
Join an artist as they sit or stand for long hours at a show with very little or no sales.
Trying to remember how much money did I spend to get here?
Join an artist as they're sitting at a show with the sweat rolling down their back, smiling so you don't know the sweat feels like it's run all the way into their shoes.
Join an artist as they sit in the freezing cold, wondering why did I pay to be here?
Join an artist as they pray their partner in this adventure enjoys what they do for them.
We watch weather, protecting our art and equipment with a vengeance that will make us go against the show leaders thinking and use our instincts to pack up.
We pay taxes, and more taxes before and after shows.
It's a lot of work, long, hours, serious investments, and believing in yourself.
I did not dream of being an artist, after a while of creating, working, wondering, and believing,
I simply became an artist.

Pray you can find someone to help you, this road can be lonely alone, I'm sure.
I pray constantly that my husband, Chris (my favorite A.S.S.) 
(Artist Support Services) never gets tired of the shows.
I pray he never gets tired of building frames for me,
wracking his brain to figure out how to add height to a trailer he so lovingly built for us.
I pray he enjoys the travel, the friendships, the laughter, the fun, the food and the tools.
I pray he forgets the having to push a cart half a mile to get to the show.
I pray he realizes the awards I get are because of him.
I pray for myself and others while I create, while I sell, and when we travel.
I love this artistic life of ours!
Flying High indeed!

Flying high, acrylic on shadowbox canvas, 12 x 36 inches
Day 88 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2022


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