Sunday, September 5, 2021

Tata Truck!

Today is Neels 3rd birthday!
I asked Christina what she wanted for his birthday and said "a giraffe.'
I said "I painted the stuffed giraffe last year."
She said "a toy truck or car."
I said, "These paintings are supposed to eventually be in his house when he's older."
"What about a decorated truck?"
I said "perfect", she sent photos.
"You only want the back of the truck?"
She had sent photos of the backs which typically say horn please or use dipper at night.
This is Indian tradition to honk when overtaking a truck.
"No, the whole truck."
I sent two photos and she picked this truck, which was my favorite!
The drawing is how I started out.

Why are the trucks decorated?
These men basically live in their vehicles 10 months out of the year.
So, the truck becomes their home away from home.
Outfitted with bunk beds and photos of loved ones, they are a reminder of home.
They have bangles on them frequently to remind them of their wives and children.
Sometimes the inside of the truck is as decorated as the outside.
The trucks allow the men to stand out.
There can be political affiliation, Bollywood figures, God's and Goddesses, and animals.
There may also be demon faces or shoes tied to the bottom to scare away the evil eye.
All on the outside of the truck along with lots of fringe and tassels, also to keep spirits away.
Sometimes the trucks are also sometimes ridiculously overloaded.
They are truly roaming works of art.
The art form is in danger of not happening anymore.
The families that have painted the trucks for generations are getting older and they are not encouraging the children to follow in their footsteps.
Decals and stickers are becoming more of the normal now.

This is one hour into the piece, blocking main colors.

This is the end of hour two, more blocking and some decorations

The end of hour three, starting to push values and decorate.

Finished painting after about four hours.

Interesting fact about New Delhi, the trucks are not allowed into the city until about 9:30 at night.
This is to cut down on congestion in the city which is horrendous.
Consequently, it means your delivery may be made at 10:00 at night!

Happy birthday Neel! I cannot believe you're three now!

Tata truck, Acrylic on canvas, 6x6 inches
Day 69 of the 100 days, 100 paintings, 2021


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