Monday, September 23, 2019

Playful trio!

Oh my !
I forgot to post last night!
I was so focused on painting, it totally slipped my mind!
(That and trying to get a sinus infection!)
Anyway, here ya go!

Today's post focuses on the playfulness of dolphins.
I love to watch them leap and jump in the wakes of boats.
One time we were even lucky enough to have them visit a sailboat we were on under motor.
It was a bonus visit as we were going to watch fireworks too on the river in downtown Mobile.
The child that was with us, was enchanted and so was I!
Such beauty in a powerful body created so skillfully by our Master!

We should be more like dolphins...
Taking the opportunity to be carefree and have some fun sometimes!
Chris and I were fascinated one time by a pod of dolphins in the bay.
This pod had a baby in their midst, as evidenced by the small fin breaking the surface.
The pod was feeding on a school of fish when all of a sudden they stopped.
The baby could not keep pace with the others and the mother stayed back to guard it.
The largest one starting swimming quickly around the pod, chasing the fish into the middle of the group.
Lots of splashing, feeding, and jumping!
By the time they finished, there was a large group of people watching the show.
It was amazing to see the cooperation by the group to show this baby how to eat with others.
All in our beautiful Mobile Bay!

Playful Trio, Acrylic on multiple canvases, 2 ft x 5ft
Day 83 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2019

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