Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Babies, Babies, Everywhere III

Much to my delight, I received a phone message the other night asking 
about the baby turtles I first posted.
She wanted a price and size.
Problem is, they were already sold.
The first ones were part of a collection of pieces going to Orange Beach.
The second ones were commissioned as a birthday present for someone
that had lost out on baby turtles they saw at a show.
She will get her babies later this month.
I told the woman messaging me that I could get them done by next week.
That was a good compromise and we exchanged contact information.
Lo and behold, I got a bee in my bonnet and got them done earlier than expected.
Turns out she is on the Orange Beach Share the Beach team.
We have training and she will pick them up while there.
I am amazed that they are already sold, as they have not been cleaned, wired, or varnished.
God is so good to me!
He allows me to have income from something I love doing, and it makes people happy.

Speaking of happy, I am working on our church's Vacation Bible School.
Every year this is a challenge as it comes at a time when I am doing 100 paintings, watching a grandchild, normal household stuff, and getting ready for a one woman show.
It's always such fun to create the pieces needed for each year's theme.
This year is "On the case" and we are having a grand time making items guaranteed to 
amaze and make the kids think!
Crime "scenes", puzzles, evidence, and things to observe and report on.
I love giving the kids several areas they can have fun in while waiting to enter the main service.
It's so fantastic when the Holy Spirit starts throwing ideas at me in the studio.
Sometimes the ideas come at me so fast, I cannot process them all.
It is then when I ask the Spirit to slow down and allow me to catch up.
This year, I have a wonderful team helping me with the pieces needed to "dress up" our church for VBS.
These people helping are amazingly eager and we are getting so much done.
So much is getting done that I may not even need the second work week.
What a beautiful team of precious volunteers, young and old alike!
Photos will be taken during the event, and I will post.

Which brings me to the end of the day!
By the way, the blog started in 2009 and is closing in on 100,000 views!
Tell me what year the blog started on Facebook, and you'll get 5 bonus entries for the painting to be given away. Join as a follower, and share please.
I'm not Tik-Tok poster, but I would like to achieve my goal of 100,000 views this year!

Babies, Babies, Everywhere III, Acrylic on canvas, 12 x 24 inches
Day 15 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2022, SOLD! 


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