Sunday, July 10, 2022

Babies, Babies everywhere!

I adore painting these little guys!
Baby sea turtles are just the cutest.
Their flapping flippers are so fun to watch.
Most of all, I love a boil.
The babies hatching are called a boil, 
because they do literally look like they are boiling to the surface.
They also have a blatant disregard for each other's space.
They will step on each other, push each other, and crawl over each other 
in their relentless march to the sea!
Once there in the ocean, they swim rapidly off into the water.
They are hoping to make it to the sargassum grass before they get eaten. 
There are numerous instances of babies missing limbs because some fish took a bite.
It seems everything is out to eat them.
Out of a nest of about 120 eggs, only one may survive to have babies of their own.
Less than one percent make it to adulthood.
It amazes me how God and Nature work to populate our wonderful world.
I have had the rare privilege of handling them at a hatching and I am still in awe.

Babies, Babies everywhere!, Acrylic on shadowbox canvas, 12 x 24
Day 13 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2022 SOLD!


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