Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Pelican IV

Day 50!
Can you believe it's already halfway through the 100 paintings for this year.
It has been a challenge for sure, trying to do commissions, get ready for a show, and paint every day!
Not to mention sewing too.
Mardi Gras in August, still can't wrap my head around that.
The queen's train is coming along nicely.

Pelicans are one of my favorite birds.
They have the absolute neatest flight pattern when fishing.
When they see a fish, they dive to the left.
This is to protect their esophagus and prevent water from going into their lungs.
I am fascinated by this, because it is a built into their nature.
They automatically dive to the left every time.
God is such a masterful designer!
They are also some of the gangliest looking birds I've ever seen.
They don't walk very well, but boy how they can fly.
I love they've made such a great comeback from the results of DDT on their eggs.
When I first moved back here from California in 1976, 
it was a rare sight to see more than one at a time.
Now, it is common to see flight formations of 25 or more birds gliding along.
Such a beautiful sight in our southern skies!

Pelican IV, Acrylic on wood panel, 12 inch round
Day 50 of the 100 days~100 paintings 2022


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